Hello world. The following was written 09/15/2018. Last night I found myself experiencing a strange heavy energy. Around 10 o’clock I found myself experiencing what felt like a blanket being laid over me. I felt this heaviness and pressure pushing down on me from all sides. It literally drained me of energy and had me going to bed feeling as if I was about to pass out. Around 12:45 AM my Husband Alex came into the room to check on me. I was crying out in my sleep. My Husband has learned to approach me cautiously when I am sleeping. He does not say my name any more, nor does he touch me anywhere but my hand or my upper arm. He learned years ago to touch me or to say my name results in my leaping from bed and trying to run away while half asleep. This instinctual reaction of flight was learned as a child, when I would be visited by my abusers in the middle of the night. Last night I found myself in a dream which was dark and very emotionally stressful. It started with me in a parking garage being herded down a hallway and Continue Reading
Their masks and false facades reveal the ego mind in the drivers seat.
Hello world. The following was written 09/15/2016. I was contemplating the situation which had occurred the day before, where I had been removed from a group and told I was not allowed to share as my brothers were being allowed to share within the group. I was being singled out by an admin because they did not agree with the perspectives I was being shown on my own journey to healing. What they were wanting was blind acceptance and belief in what they were dictating everything should be. “So I spent the day yesterday contemplating what happened. This contemplation carried over to today with an understanding of what was nagging me about it all. What has been shown to me is my “Free Will” was being infringed upon. When I was offered to speak and then the choice was immediately taken away, my Free Will to choose was removed. I was no longer being allowed to choose what I wanted to do in regards the situation which was unfolding. The choice to conform to their dictates, ignore them, or join in was dangled like a carrot on a stick by X Lyn Johnson and then yanked away. What was being Continue Reading
Which do you choose brother?
Hello world. The following was written 9/15/2017. The fork is coming and a decision made. Which do you choose, you have 7 days. Service to self or service to other. The choice is yours. Which do you choose brother? Everything is choice. Service of self is the service to the betterment of self at the cost of another. Service to other self is the service to another without expectation to receive so the self then receives that which they give. Service to self or service to other. The choice is yours. Which do you choose brother? Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.