Seriously consider walking away from these groups with “dictatorships”!

Hello world. The following was written 09/14/2016. I was faced with a “Spiritual Community” which was anything but Spiritual. They judged me, my experiences and that which I was sharing of the experiential aspects of my journey. Telling me it was not possible to experience what I was. When I started this journey, it was under a teacher who was not a real teacher. What they were teaching was egoistic judgmental ideologies. As I moved away from them and into the community at large, I found almost every group out there, was no different than the teacher I had been trying to learn from. At first I joined a group called Awakening Together. Only to find they were a closed house, meaning the group was closed or private and only a few people were allowed to speak or share and they did not want open dialogues. Next I joined ACIM Gather and found it to be exactly the same. Filled with egoistic judgmental ideologies and a demand everyone conform to what it is those leading the group are choosing to believe. Then I tried Open Minds which were not open at all. All of these groups and so called teachers Continue Reading

An open dialogue is needed for true healing to occur.

Hello world. The following was written 09/14/2016. Holy Spirit and my Guides have told me over and over, an open dialogue is needed for true healing to occur. No subject is off limits to discuss. Each of us experience a multitude of situations. All are given to us for the purpose of healing ourselves and others. If everything is for our benefit then nothing is to ever be left out of the conversation. Holy Spirit and my Guides have shown me, healing comes with sharing our experiences and the lessons learned through them. I personally share from my own experiences the lessons I have learned. I have shared about the rapes, molestations, exorcisms, canings, beatings, mental, emotional and physical abuses I have endured and healed from. I share how each experience had a lesson within it I was to learn. How in each situation, I made choices and decisions to judge what I was experiencing or I chose to accept the judgments being handed to me. There is a psychology at play in the back ground very few see or are willing to actually look at. The manipulations being used on us from the day we are born trap us Continue Reading

Are you perceiving your reality to be from the inside out or the outside in?

Hello world. The following was written 09/14/2017. My Husband Alex and I were discussing the myriad materials we were, have and had been being guided to partake of on our journeys. We talked of how my learning disability has kept me from taking in and comprehending most of what it is I try to read or listen to. Yet, it seems as if the recent materials we were partaking of were completely comprehensible for me. As we discussed this, the Truth began to dawn on me. The last couple of days I have been having a discussion with my Husband Alex about all the things I have been guided to look at or read on this journey of experiences I have had. I happen to be severely dyslexic. So comprehension of written and spoken materials are difficult to comprehend at the best of times for me, if at all. I have no comprehension of fractions, percentages, decimals, music, measurements and so many other items. On this journey my Guides have blocked me from reading, seeing, hearing and comprehending those things which have entrapped my brothers. Yet, they guide me to read specific things, such as The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Continue Reading