There are myriad ways Spirit can blow your mind.

Hello world. The following was written 9/06/2016. I was being guided to read a book called The Kybalion. It is a Study of the Hermetic Philosophies of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Holy Spirit and my Guides are directing me to read each section then write out and share my understandings of what I am reading. “”The Kybalion” by The Three Initiates, part of the introduction… The lifework of Hermes seems to have been in the direction of planting the great Seed-Truth which has grown and blossomed in so many strange forms, rather than to establish a school of philosophy which would dominate the world’s thought. But, nevertheless, the original truths taught by him have been kept intact in their original purity by a few men in each age, who, refusing great numbers of half developed students and followers, followed the Hermetic custom and reserved their truth for the few who were ready to comprehend and master it. From lip to ear the truth has been handed down among the few. There have always been a few Initiates in each generation, in the various lands of the earth, who kept alive the sacred flame of the Hermetic Teachings, and such have Continue Reading

Love them unconditionally with no thoughts of getting anything back in return.

Hello world. The following was written 9/06/2016. It is funny. I do not watch TV or listen to the radio. I do not read magazines or news papers. Now if and when I read the stuff being shared on social media I can see the judgments and opinions at play in the background. The twisted thinking and propaganda at play. I then see the rinse repeat cycle which is happening throughout the masses of the subliminal brainwashing they are agreeing to. All dialogues, even vitriolic dialogues are of benefit. It brings to the surface that which has been hidden from view, even from the speaker themselves. Once it has been brought into the Light those items which have been hidden may be healed. Everything which is happening and has happened is for our benefit. All is being brought to the surface for healing. A post shared of a woman crying alone in an alley brought to the forefront of my mind a memory of being that woman. Sitting alone in the dark crying my heart out for a release from the pain and suffering which was my life. An understanding is being given of how universal the answer to a Continue Reading