Holy Spirit holds the door open and points out the Truth.

Hello world. The following was written 8/23/2018. My Husband responded to a brothers post regarding Alex Jones. This garnered a response where I was dragged into the conversation. The following is the dialogue which transpired between my brothers, Husband and I. Brother one states, “Alex Reyenga I wish you could step outside yourself (and your wife’s hypnotic influence over you) to see you are coming from a place of deep paranoia. I’m sad for you Alex. You think you’re immune to the traps your own mind has set for you. That’s the NATURE OF THE MIND, Alex. IT PROJECTS, it doesn’t SEE. Seriously, how are you missing this????? We can’t perceive what has no reference point inside our own minds. We contain what we are “seeing.” That’s the whole basis of ACIM. Your wife is committed to specialness, her there’s little hope for. I don’t have “special” knowledge. I’m imperfect — no more and no less than another. I try to follow a TEACHING I believe in. I TRUST the teaching more than I trust my ego. Oh, and I mistakenly wrote “unfriend.” I meant unfollow.” My response, “All of this is coming from a Being who has refused to read anything Continue Reading

How far are their egos willing to go to control a brother?

Hello world. The following was written 8/23/2018. Yesterday my Husband Alex wrote an article about friend requests and the content displayed or lack there of on their pages. One of the responses he received was targeted at me and our relationship. To which I found myself responding. Today my Husband has had someone else come at him telling him he needs to leave me. Seriously!? What the hell is up with these people trying destroy someone’s relationship, all for control and to be their “teacher”? How far are their egos willing to go to control a brother? Alex shares, “For those sending me friend requests. Please have a real profile picture and please speak or at least read English. If all of your posts are in a different language then I will not accept your friend request. For the women (and some men) please be aware that I am happily married and I have no interest in anything more than an open friendship. That means no private conversations on messenger. If you do message me on messenger please be aware that I share everything with my wife so don’t say it if you wouldn’t want her to see it. No Continue Reading