Hello world. The following was written 8/15/2018. Yesterday my Husband was faced with a situation which had him experiencing conflict within him. In one of the Spiritual groups he was in, a brother shared some items from Scripture with his interpretation of them regarding evil and sin. When my Husband responded with his understanding there is no such thing as evil nor sin, they are no more than a belief in a judgment created to enslave one. The brother tagged the admin stating he was being nagged. This brother was seeing himself as being a victim. In his angst at what he perceived as an attack, he chose to leave the group. The admin, upon seeing this reaction chose to react to the situation by becoming a people pleasing admin. They immediately removed and block my Husband from the group to get this person to come back. It did not matter no one was attacking anyone in any way. A Truth was shared which caused cognitive dissonance. A lie was told to silence the one speaking the Truth. What transpired was my Husband being removed and blocked. He was not permitted to respond in any way. He was silenced and Continue Reading
We are playing a mental game with the powers that be, PLEASE CONNECT THE DAMN DOTS ALREADY!
Hello world. The following was written 8/15/2018. I have been Guided to partake of a number of articles regarding past and current events. Articles pertaining to murders, assassinations, missile launch alarms, drone attacks and so much more. The picture which is being painted for me is an interesting one. I find myself responding to my brothers posts about these current events. The first being about the assassination of JFK and the alphabet agencies power and control. The next being the stolen airliner, Q drops and covert attempts on our Presidents life. My response, “History loves to repeat itself until Humanity opens its eyes to the Truth and begins to do things differently. This president watched Kennedy rise and be taken out. He watched who and what were involved. He watched and he learned what NOT to do. The same tactics used on Kennedy to slander are being used on Trump and any who support him. This is why he always seems to be a step ahead of them. He has watched them do the same shit again and again for decades. The JFK files have been released with only a couple of redactions for still active assets. CIA, FBI, most Continue Reading