About Spiritual Gifts.

Hello world. The following was written 8/13/2016. As a child I experienced many things which were considered to be evil, so were feared by the church and my family. The abilities or gifts I was given, caused me a lot of pain and suffering growing up. Because of my family’s and the church’s purviews of such things, I was punished when I would mention what I was experiencing. Their fear, caused me to try to shut down my abilities. I would deny they were there and what I was experiencing, to keep from being punished mentally, emotionally and physically. I learned I would be accepted, if I would deny who and what I AM. My family was Catholic and held a belief I was possessed by demons, so needed to be exorcised and the demons beaten out of me when I would speak of seeing the dead and hearing them. It took me many years to come to terms with these abilities. To accept myself as I AM without judgments. One of the things which helped me do this were the following passages from Scripture which were shared with me by medium Kimberly Ray Babcock, who had been going through Continue Reading


Hello world. The following was written in the 90’s and published 8/13/2016. Acceptance Broken and battered, falling apart. Not even sure of where to start. Should I start with my broken bones? Or should I start with my broken home? A small little child precious and caring. Pushed aside for even daring. To obtain some affection. A measure of love. Feeling unwanted, lost, and alone. Looking for love in walls of stone. Giving freely of the body. Not understanding they are Somebody. Thinking by giving they shall receive. When all they get are more injuries. Some to their bodies. Some to their minds. Some to the Souls. They leave behind. They don’t seem to realize it is a trend. They keep repeating over again. Looking for love in all the wrong places. Seeing a sea of swimming faces. Locked deep inside is the love that they need. For when I love myself, then someone else can love me. Sabrina Reyenga This poem describes much of what I went through growing up. How an accident breaking my body, had me looking within at what I had experienced in my life. How the breaking of my body, had me looking at my Continue Reading