Humanity you have forgotten the Common Sense, God gave you!

Hello world. The following was written 8/09/2021. On August 5th I was guided to watch a video called, “The Milgram Experiment”. The video was discussing how a Society can be coerced, manipulated and mind controlled to do unthinkable acts and atrocities such as what occurred in Nazi Germany in WW2. The next day I was given waking visions and started channeling Arch Angel Metatron and what He would have me understand of the visions He was giving me. In the first vision I am looking out the eyes of Marie Antoinette as she says, “Feed them cake.”. She was looking out her carriage window at the starving masses lining the roads, begging for food. Like the people, she had become disconnected from the land and where ones food actually comes from. The people had been trained to seek their food from the government and the towns and markets therein. They had forgotten how to hunt, gather and forage the wild bounty around them so found themselves starving because of it. The people had been trained into Obedience and to Obey an authority so forget how to be Self Governing so Self Reliant and fend for themselves. The next vision was Continue Reading

My brothers are seeing what they are wanting and choosing to believe.

Hello world. The following was written 8/09/2018. A brother shared a link from yahoo what was trying to say the President had admitted to stuff which was not true. What my brother had posted was a fake news report of a lie which has been created to generate a false picture and build upon a lie which is being propagated by the main stream media, politicians, corporations and celebrities to sway public opinion and the way the masses perceive this President and his administration. My brothers are seeing what they are wanting and choosing to believe. My response, “Stop drinking the koolaide, the main stream media gives you. Fake news and a dead company is what yahoo is. They get their info from places like CNN and everyone has seen the proof of the lies CNN spews.” My brother responds, “That’s what the Russian bots would have you believe- Unless a bot has got ahold of your account-then I apologize. Either way still love you for who you are. Holy, loving child of God! Moving along.” My response, “Brother I am no bot. Take a look at some of the things I have been sharing. I share and speak of Continue Reading


Hello world. The following was written 8/09/2016. Released Forgive me, I can no longer walk through your darkness with you. Forgive me, If you perceive I am abandoning you in your hour of need. Forgive me, It is not my words that make you hurt. My only function is, To be a beacon of light to you. My only function is, To listen to you. My only function is, To not react to your dream. I understand, What you may feel. I understand, What you may think. I understand, Where you are at. I have been, In the deepest darkness. I have used, Words that were hurtful. I have let, My ego mind twist the truths I did not want to see. When I, Hit rock bottom. That is when I, Realized it wasn’t up to me. I had to let go, Of all control. That is when, The Holy Spirit first came to me. He showed me, How I had judged things to be. He showed me, Truth that filled my mind and soul with peace. He showed me, When I accept is when I am released. Sabrina Reyenga Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You Continue Reading