Oh, to be so unaware, of what it is one does.

Hello world. The following was written 8/07/2018. I found myself responding to a brothers post talking about the banning of Infowars. They were of a mind no ones “freedoms” were being attacked and no one else was being effected by it. Another brother chose to respond to my comment and the following dialogue ensued. My comment, “Yesterday I was shadow banned as was my husband for sharing a link talking about Jones being banned. A company stops being “private” when they start selling their stock and now have share holders. This makes them a publicly owned company. Last night I contacted my attorney about the banning and the fact Facebook has been blocking my followers from viewing what I share unless I “pay” them. At the same time, Facebook is monetizing my personal data and property, selling it to others. What this is called is extortion, racketeering, coercion, manipulation and spiritual persecution for they banned me from my own Spiritual Group. My attorney has informed me I do have a very sound case for a law suit. For everything they are doing is against the law, not just here in the USA, but in almost every other country out there Continue Reading