Hello world. The following was written 6/26/2016. Most of Humanity can wrap their minds around the concept and understanding when you have children and someone wants to start a relationship with you, your children are and will be part of the relationship. If the person seeking this connection will not accept your children, then they are not going to accept you either. In those situations most will walk away. They recognize the acceptance of all aspects of themselves and their lives must be accepted or there is no chance for complete unity. It really seems like a no brainier. If you do not accept my children, then you do not accept me. Now consider your relationship with your spouse or life partner. When you join in union with another you are telling the Universe you are now committing to becoming One Being. One Being with One Heart and One Mind, the single goal to love and support each other unconditionally no matter the circumstances you may go through. To place the relationship between you at the top of all other relationships, friendships, old and new. Understanding what effects you also effects the companion you share your life with. Whatever the Continue Reading