What is my definition of Love?

Hello world. The following was written 6/15/2018. It seems my brothers are asking me questions which are requiring me to look within at the answers. For me to contemplate what they are asking me, then give them an in depth answer with context and understanding. My brother asks, “Hi Sabrina, I have but one question if you don’t mind? How would you define Love?” My response, “Complete acceptance of self, our brothers and the world as it is without judgments as they are, when they are in the moment with complete support for their choices to be, as long as they are not hurting themselves or anyone else. By the way, what I just described is what Unconditional Love is. Complete acceptance of ALL THAT IS as it is in the moment without judgments.” Please understand I am not talking about accepting abuses or those who are abusing another, their actions. I am speaking of the unconditional acceptance of another no matter their choices to express themselves whether it be in dress, speech or their choices in who they love. I am speaking of stepping in when you see a brother hurting themselves or hurting another. I am speaking of Continue Reading

What is the bottom line about why you are here?

Hello world. The following was written 6/15/2018. A brother asked a question which had me contemplating my purpose of being here. It had me looking at my life experiences and the lessons I have learned from them about myself. It had me looking at all the different aspects of my life and the things I am guided to share with my brothers. It had me looking at what I have been through and am teaching the processes of, to help my brothers heal as I have been healed. It had me looking at what the end game of all of these things I have experienced and am teaching, will lead to, Sovereignty! A brother asks, “What is the bottom line about why you are here?” My response, “My purpose is to help Humanity heal from the physical, emotional and psychological traumas they have experienced on all levels of their Being. Once they have healed I am then to help them understand who they are, so they may take back their Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing so Self Reliant. I am to help them understand what Free Will is, why it was given us, how it is to be Continue Reading

Humanity, when will you choose YOU?

Hello world. The following was written 6/15/2018. It seems there are those who are taking issue with a statement made by President Trump, when asked if the North Korean leader would be coming to the White House and how certain government officials are taking issue with it. Part of President Trump’s response was, “President Trump on North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un: “He speaks and his people sit up in attention. I want my people to do the same.” His comment is being taken out of context. They are not remarking on the question which was asked nor how the question was phrased or stated to gain this response. Once again it is a twisting of Truth to be what one is wanting to perceive. My brother states, “I guess that lady on fox and friends was right when she accidentally said two dictators.. glad this is on tape.. but still his base will love him.. so I guess it doesn’t really matter..” My response, “Perspective is everything. For decades Americans and most of Humanity have sat in front of their TV’s in a trance. They take in all the main stream media has fed them. They take it all Continue Reading