Hello world. The following was written on 5/31/2020. Humanity, if you want to stop the negativity, violence, and garbage from coming into your lives then stop seeking it out. Day in and day out I see my brothers, the media and world governments share or report the basest, cruelest, and most disheartening garbage put out there. Then they sit there complaining about how horrid their lives and the world are becoming. Humanity, you reap what you sow. You have two choices here. Seek out what’s good, loving, and filled with hope or look for horrid, bad, and ugly. It is a choice and you have to choose which one you want. It is your choice. Your decision to stay in hell. Just understand why it is I will not be staying there with you. I am choosing differently. All must learn to discern when it is time to CUT TIES and WALK AWAY. Allow those who choose to believe what the government and media tell them, to believe as they are choosing to, for they are allowed to do so. Those who seek Truth above all else shall see the writing on the wall. All of you know what you Continue Reading