In my defenselessness my safety lies.

Hello world. The following was written 5/29/2017. Something to consider, an attack is a belief in a “JUDGMENT” which is handed out and “ACCEPTED” by the ones witnessing it as being the Truth. As being something which defines them, their brothers, and the world. It is the belief something has gone wrong which is at the core of the issue here. A belief a correction needs to be made through judgments and the acceptance of judgments and opinions as being what is true as defining us, our brothers and the world itself. It is the belief judgments are true. In those moments the one judging is believing they know what is right and best for themselves and their brothers. They believe they would and could know better than God. The ones witnessing these “attacks” are believing it and accepting the judgments being handed out are true and are choosing to believe in them. It is this choice they are making to believe in those judgments which is causing the conflict within them which has manifested all the pain and suffering they are experiencing in the moment. They are choosing to believe their brother knows better than God what is best Continue Reading