The issue is not the tools, the issue is Humanity forgot it is Sovereign!

Hello world. The following was written 3/27/2018. Over the weekend my Husband Alex and I were working in Oakland. While we were there we witnessed five separate helicopters circling an area of downtown Oakland just above the skyscrapers. It was not until we got home that evening we found out what it was that was going on there in the city. Apparently there were protests or marches about gun control happening that day and apparently a lot of those people were getting paid to be there from craigslist ads. Yesterday I found myself responding to a brothers comments. He was asking questions as to why anyone would need more than three bullets and putting out a bunch of “what if’s”. Each one was a judgmental belief being held by him he was projecting out onto his brothers and the world. I found today he had deleted his comments after the responses I had given him. I guess he did not like the Truth being handed to him. Guns are not the issue here. The issue would be people like him who seem to think and believe they can dictate and control what another thinks, says, does or chooses for themselves. Continue Reading

One must learn to question everything.

Hello world. The following was written 3/27/2017. A brother shares, “Your questions are what led you this far my friend, don’t let a belief stop you from knowing, it’s very possible to know, seek and you will find but don’t limit where you seek my friend or you will limit what you find. Don’t believe anything and don’t disbelieve in anything because you are a seeker and only the knowing and understanding of the truth will satisfy your hunger. Let that hunger guide you on your journey but keep it under control with the humbleness of the understanding that you will know when you are ready to understand without judgment. The less you judge the more you see, the more you see without judgment is the more you may understand, but don’t jump to conclusions Only when you see the whole picture you will understand why.” My response, “Something to consider brother, is the more you seek out there in the world outside of you the less likely you will find what it is you are seeking. It has only been when I limit where I seek I am able to find what it is I am seeking. I have Continue Reading

Messages from Holy Spirit with a sense of humor thrown in.

Hello world. The following was written 3/27/2015. Holy Spirit speaks, “I am the Soul within. I am the one you deny when you listen to that which is outside of you. I am the one who does not judge you the thoughts, feelings and reactions you express as you bang your head against the wall of the beliefs you hold so dearly.” Holy Spirit is getting really freaking hilarious in the analogies He is using with me. I see food and I stop. I will no longer see it if I eat it. It then becomes a memory or a reality. Whichever way I choose to perceive it. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Holy Spirit is very very funny. One of the speakers I was listening to yesterday asked a question of the universe. He asked to be shown someone who can be knee deep in shit and still be joyful and happy as they are having to shovel it to clean it up. Holy Spirit’s answer was to have his septic tank back up this morning flooding his home. Now he will know if HE can be joyful and happy while being knee deep in shit while shoveling it. LMAO! Ask and you Continue Reading

They destroy the mind from within.

Hello world. The following was written 3/27/2015. Looking at addictions this morning. The addiction some have to being a teacher believing their way is the only way, social media, cell phones, texting, violent videos of fighting, killing, destruction and mainstream media propaganda. We talk about addictions in the context of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Yet, we do not talk about these other addictions which can be just as dangerous, if not more so. Drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes all work on the body. These other items I mentioned work on the mind and one’s emotions. They destroy the mind from within. They plant seeds of the most negative aspects of our culture and condition one to become desensitized to the world in general. The more we focus on the hate, violence and vitriol the more we manifest it in our own lives. This is brainwashing at its finest. We brainwash ourselves into believing we are in charge and would know what is right for us and the rest of the world. If only the world would follow us and our dictates. In truth we are lying to ourselves with this line of belief. Little by little we find ourselves pulled to Continue Reading