Hello world. The following was written 1/28/2018. I have been having very interesting conversations with my brothers, Holy Spirit and my Guides this morning. The topic for today seems to be “Discernment”. The following are some things shared by my brothers and my responses to them. A brother shared, “We each reduce the infinite down to our version. Then we have to deal with our ideas” My response, “Discernment! Alex and I were just having a discussion about that before he left for work this morning. He responded to a troll in open minds yesterday about the guys lack of discernment about what the course is stating about the ego’s discernment being unconscious and Holy Spirit’s discernment is based in Consciousness. Even the post I had shared showed the depths of the ego thinking and how Holy Spirit would have me see and perceive things differently.” Another brother had posted about the story’s we tell ourselves and I responded with the following. My response, “I used to tell myself the story that was handed to me about all the rapes, molestations, exorcisms, canings, mental abuse, emotional abuse and beatings I experienced as a child. That story would come into the Continue Reading
Relationships based on shallow means will not last long.
Hello world. The following was written 1/28/2015. Had someone post a question regarding relationships and intimacy earlier today. Something about if your partner is good to you in almost all ways but sex would you stay. My answer after some contemplation with Holy Spirit and my Guides was the following. My response, “You get back what you put into a relationship. Sex isn’t everything and desire fades with illness, life, and age. Relationships based on shallow means will not last long. When one looks below the surface to the heart within, the outer shell no longer matters. One begins to realize quickly that the shell they observe is no more than an illusion. A costume an actor may don at any given time to represent that moment. If one is willing, one can learn how to please their partner. They only need the desire to do so. Their partner must also be willing to do the same. To reciprocate in kind what they are receiving. In sharing their deepest desires and wants they can teach each other to please and be pleased. Hold nothing back and be completely open and honest in all aspects of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and Continue Reading