Hello world. The following was written 1/27/2018. Today has been a very strange and long day. Woke up around 6:30 this morning. We had to be on a job site by 8:30 AM today. We made a stop at the bank on our way out to pull some money for a buddy of ours. As we were saying our goodbyes in preparation of going our separate ways a man appeared out of nowhere and walked up to us. As we were talking I had been looking past our buddy towards the main road across the parking lot of the shopping center to gauge the traffic. I turned and looked at my Husband Alex and then turned back towards our buddy and the road. I literally turned my head and said two words, “You ready?” to which he nodded. I turned my head back and this guy was around two hundred feet from us walking towards us. He literally appeared out of nowhere in front of us. He stopped, looks at me and says, “Seriously, are you serious?” He laughs and then says, “Are you serious? I need a program. (I believe he said his name was Michael but not sure.) Continue Reading
Contemplation: Consciousness
Hello world. The following was written 01/27/2016. con·scious·ness; ˈkän(t)SHəsnəs/; noun: the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings. “she failed to regain consciousness and died two days later” the awareness or perception of something by a person. plural noun: consciousnesses “her acute consciousness of Mike’s presence” the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world. “consciousness emerges from the operations of the brain” As Alex and I were doing the filming of lesson 26 Holy Spirit had me sharing about consciousness. According to the Course “Consciousness” is considered to be right-minded thinking with Holy Spirit. If consciousness is right minded thinking with Holy Spirit, then what is this thing I have been calling consciousness all my life? What I am being shown is what we are taught is consciousness is nothing more than Egoistic thinking. We are taught to live in an egoistic consciousness from the day we are born. We do not “see”. We do not “hear”. Instead we are taught to conform and follow blindly with no thoughts. Just do as you are told and do not ask questions. Holy Spirit is telling me the way I was taught to think and believe Continue Reading