If you would heal you must turn within.

Hello world. The following was written 01/15/2020. I am witnessing on my journey how my brothers are seeking outside of them. They turn to their brothers and books for all that they are seeking. They negate what it is they are experiencing within them as a signal of something to be looked at and questioned. Instead they judge what is being experienced so seek ways to make it stop from external sources no matter how extreme they may be. I have watched my brothers poison themselves with the things they are using to get the pain and suffering to end. Blaming each other and inanimate objects as the source of the pain and suffering of what they are experiencing. None of them are recognizing the choices they are making to judge so believe that which they think they perceive. The words they use are directly connected to the judgmental beliefs they hold forth as defining who they are and are supposed to be. They superimpose these mental images over everyone around them unconsciously, including themselves. What they do not comprehend is that all they were taught to perceive are illusions. They have been indoctrinated to believe in lies as being Continue Reading

Empty your cup of that which you have been choosing to believe.

Hello world. The following was written 01/14/2020. My brother shared how empathy classes are to be taught in schools according to what the government is dictating empathy be. What followed was a dialogue with my brothers that shifted to how one is choosing to blindly, accept so believe what is read in a book or stated by an authority figure, such as the one behind the pulpit, as being the absolute Truth to be obeyed or be punished for not doing so. Understanding was given in those moments. Understanding with which I was to respond to their statements and queries. A brother states, “Life teaches empathy and parents. Little kids left on there own are actually little monsters if someone doesn’t instruct. Lol” My response, “When children act out they are hurting inside so would seek attention to gain help in healing what is being experienced. Recognize the pain being exhibited in those moments as a call for love, understanding and healing from you the adult before them. Judge them not in those moments. Your judgments are felt even if they are not spoken aloud. It is those judgments they are constantly receiving silently or not so silently in looks Continue Reading

Focus on the message and not the messenger.

Hello world. The following was written 1/15/2021. A brother asks, “Sabrina Reyenga who are you???” My response, “I AM, that I AM. I AM as God created me to be in HIS image and not his shadow or after thought. God does not make mistakes brother. God does not punish or judge. God bares witness to what we would choose here and accepts and allows us to choose as we do. We are actors on a stage donning a costume to pretend to be what we are not for the experience of it. We are Eternal Beings who are the masters of our Creation. We manifest that which we are focusing our attentions on mentally and emotionally. Good or bad we are the ones manifesting and creating all we experience here. Our beliefs are what we manifest to experience. What we believe in IS what we shall perceive to be. I have had to die and be resuscitated over 100 times on my journey to understand this. When I would die I would visit the other lives I AM living in Human and other forms simultaneously before returning to this reality and this form on my journey. It is through Continue Reading

As I learn the Truth I share it with you.

Hello world. The following was written 01/15/2020. My Son shared a thought that was tumbling through his mind. It gave him pause as he looked at it and a chuckle at how strange the thought was. I was guided to respond to him with deeper understandings and examples of that which his questioning was pointing to. My Son shares, “What would be worse? Knowing someone their whole life and they forget everything? Or them informing you everything that you know of them is a lie??? Odd thought of the day” My response, “The perspective goes even deeper than the surface you are treading upon. Like an onion there are layers to it. For each of us are an ice berg. Floating along believing what is on the surface defines us. What we fail to understand is that who we are is below the surface of the water in which we tread. Dive deeply down into that water to find the Truth of how very magnificent you really are. They are the same in a manner of speaking. What you think you believe of the person next to you will be based off of the judgments held within your own mind. Continue Reading