Ask yourself, what it is you seek?

Hello world. The following was written 01/14/2020. The diversity of those seeking disclosure of some sort is amazingly large. All are seeking the same thing regarding a different subject from the same source. That source being their governments. Everyone is seeking their answers from someone else or something outside of them. What these groups seem to be seeking would be disclosure in medicine with regards vaccines, disclosure in politics regarding lobbyists and money laundering through family working in other countries, disclosure with the alphabet agencies and their spying, disclosure in technology that has been hidden and kept secret, disclosure of alien or ET visitation, disclosure of ET abductions and experiments and disclosure of the myriad conspiracies to commit treason and crimes against Humanity just to name a few. My brothers, have you considered yet that what is needed, is for you the Individual and all of Humanity to accept full responsibility for yourselves and all you are choosing to believe, so perceive and be, if you would have a relationship with our ET brothers and each other as EQUALS? Each Individual Being WILL take responsibility for themselves and all they choose to think, say, do so be here or they Continue Reading

Tomorrow becomes today, which becomes yesterday.

Hello world. The following was written 1/14/2016. My feet are firmly planted in both worlds. I am the conduit in which the energy flows and the message is delivered. I am the tool used to connect one to another and complete the circle. I am the channel the message flows through to get to you the receiver. In an instant our lives can change. Yet we sit here day in and day out stumbling along blindly. Not seeing the people we are surrounded by. Not seeing anything of the world around us. Instead we are focused on a world within our own minds. A world of guilt, shame, blame and fear. A world of things we are taught to want and desire. A world filled with pain and suffering. A world of take and never give. A world of manipulations. We are trained from the moment of birth to see this world and only this world. To accept what we are told and do what we are told with no questions being asked. I find myself considering many things I am being shown. As I have mentioned before there has been some drama within my family. My mother is going Continue Reading