Hello world. The following was written 1/12/2017. A brother shared, “GREAT! It’s Friday the 13th! Need my battle gear today! It will be awesome with no sleep and the lingering sickness” My response, “Something to consider, this day will be as YOU expect it to be. What YOU expect is what YOU WILL manifest. The circumstances do not matter here. What will matter and only matters is your state of being. How YOU choose to see and experience this day is entirely up to you. With this in mind, how will YOU choose to spend this day?” Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.
Some of us have awakened from the illusion of the indoctrination.
Hello world. The following was written 01/11/2020. It seems many of my brothers are lost in the darkness of a nightmare of beliefs. They seem to hold a belief that if their brothers are not thinking and believing as they are choosing to, their brothers are insane and to be vilified. They seem to believe they are critical thinkers, free thinkers and believe they are not following a group thinking system. They do all of this declaring while sharing their judgmental labels and opinions of those whom they believe are thinking and believing differently from them. After reading through their commentary I found myself responding to them after they made these particular statements. My brother states, “Their problem is, they have a ravenous need for INSTANT GRATIFICATION. They don’t understand that it takes time to come back from the BRINK OF OBAMA’S ATTEMPT AT DESTROYING THE US. Household median income IS on the rise. But it’s not gonna happen overnight. But they think that if it’s not happening IMMEDIATELY, then it’s a lie. They’re kind like my kids were at the age of 6. Yup…that’s about right.” AND “Actually she uses her fucking common sense and critical thinking skills, and Continue Reading
I used to be terrified of being seen or heard.
Hello world. The following was written 01/11/2020. I used to be terrified of being seen or heard. I used to be terrified the world would find out I was psychic. Growing up I was judged by my family, their friends, neighbors and the Catholic Church as being demon possessed so evil. They believed the only way to get the demons out of me, was to beat them out of me through caning, exorcisms, rapes, molestation and myriad mental and emotional abuses. That treatment continued until I was 14 years old when I walked away from the church and 2 years later I walked away from my family. On my journey I tried to hide my abilities. My brothers would react the same way my family and the church reacted to what I was able to do. This caused me to have to walk a very solitary path alone with no support, validation or acceptance from those around me. I had to learn to become Self Reliant and to TRUST that which was being shown me by Holy Spirit. My fear of being seen so judged incurred multiple cancers and other diseases within my body. My fear of accepting who I Continue Reading