Hello world. The following was written 12/21/2021. Something to consider regarding judgment. You need not JUDGE what it is your brothers are choosing for themselves to believe so Be. You can step back and simply BARE WITNESS to what it is they are choosing and then TESTIFY to what has been Witnessed. There is no judgment being made when you are Baring Witness and then Testifying to what you have Witnessed. When your brothers choose differently than you are, all you are asked to do is bare Witness to what they would choose. You are not required to accept and believe as they do. They are not required to accept and believe as you are choosing to. We are all walking a different Paths than those beside us. All Paths are different and Unique to the Individual walking it. All Paths lead to the same destination, making all Paths perfect and Right for the one walking that Path. The Destination is not what matters. It is the journey or Path being taken that matters. Our Circumstances do not matter. It is our state of Being that matters. Our choices to believe and judge are what effect us mentally, emotionally and Continue Reading
We hold the world and all its information at our finger tips.
Hello world. The following was written 12/20/2021. Today a brother shared an image they titled the Idiocracy of America. The image was of a classroom filled with children and a question with an answer written across it. The words said, “What does school really teach children? 1. Truth comes from authority. 2. Intelligence is the ability to remember and repeat. 3. Accurate memory and repetition are rewarded. 4. Non-compliance is punished. 5. Conform: Intellectually and socially.” What the image pointed out is true. Although my brother fails to understand it started in other countries before America was even thought of. We repeat the patterns taught to us without being consciously aware of what we are doing. America is no different than any other country or society out there. All of Humanity is indoctrinated to conform, comply, accept so adhere to the rules, laws, regulations and prohibitions their Society has dictated to them. All are indoctrinated into a Cult Mentality unknowingly which is labeled as the Society they are born into. It is our minds and emotions being used as the tools to manipulate so control all we think say and do. Judgments and labels are used as catalysts to trigger Continue Reading