Hello world. The following was written 12/18/2016. My Husband, Alex shares, “What keeps the darkness back is the recognition that darkness is simply the lack of light and that the light always shines away the darkness.” My response, “Thank you for sharing this Husband. As I read your words my Guides shared another level of understanding for me. That I AM The Light. The “darkness” is no more than the beliefs I hide from in fear. They are the ones that I have judged the most terrifying. For they are the ones I believe define me, the world around me and everyone in it. Thank you for sharing Alex, I love you.” Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.
Our “thinking” is the result of what we have chosen to believe in.
Hello world. The following was written 12/18/2016. A brother shares, “Appearances are just the results of our thinking.” My response, “It goes even deeper than the thinking level. Our perceptions, what we perceive is in direct correlation to our beliefs. We will perceive that which we have chosen to believe in as being the absolute Truth and as defining ourselves, this world we inhabit and our brothers within it. Our “thinking” is the result of what we have chosen to believe in. What we believe in is what we are and have been judging. We judge everything to be this or that. It is what we are taught. When we choose to look at our choices to believe we are then able to change our minds and choose again choosing differently this time. It all comes down to being willing to look within at our beliefs and the judgments we are holding onto as defining us. Once we willingly look at these things we can heal all our misconceptions and see everything differently. The world then changes and everyone in it, as does how we see ourselves.” Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I Continue Reading
The Depths of Me
Hello world. The following was written 12/18/2014. On the phone. When I hear your voice. I melt inside. My heart beat quickens and my body heats. I feel my heart skip a beat. My body thrums and comes alive. Without me knowing you’re there out of sight. Then whenever I look into your eyes. I start to melt deep inside. As I look into you. I feel myself melt into you. Each place we touch melts and melds. One heart, one mind, one Soul in tune. This love I feel inside of me. That fills my Soul with joy and peace. I have only felt this love with you. Unconditional Love and Acceptance with Truth. To give this Love you have to receive Acceptance and Love Unconditionally. I love you. Sabrina Reyenga Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.