Hello world. The following was written 12/04/2019. White Light Bright Light, Turning twirling cleansing might, Shadowed corners fill with Light. Wall to wall, ceiling to floor, window to window, door to door. Cleanse away all negative energy, entities and attachments then fill all space with Healing Loving Light. Teach all within this space to extend this Healing Loving Light. White Light Bright Light, Turning twirling cleansing might, Fill all Beings with Your Pure Light. From the tops of their heads to the tips of their toes, from the tips of their fingers down deep to their Souls. Cleanse ALL of all negative energy, entities and attachments then fill them All with Your Pure Healing Loving Light. Teach them to extend ONLY that Pure Healing Loving Light. White Light Bright Light, Turning twirling cleansing might, Fill Gaia and all of the Multidimensional Universe with Your Pure Healing Loving Light. Touch upon all surfaces and Beings equally. Filling them all with the purest of Your Healing Love Light Energy. Blessed Be. Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you all!
What you seek will not be found here.
Hello world. The following was written 12/04/2016. Thank you brother. Those are really nice compliments, that I am beautiful and a sweet woman. Not sure if they constitute a declaration of love to a married woman though. Especially on her Anniversary to her chosen spouse of over 18 years brother. Appreciation for the gift of this shell that my Father the Creator has given me should go to Him and not me. This shell is no more than my car. It takes me where I need to go on my journey. What is pulling you is your own desire for what you witness here, within your own experience. What you seek will not be found here. All that will be found here is an example of what it is that Truly resonates within your heart. Do not make the mistake of superimposing your own mental images over me as who you perceive me to be. I AM NOT the image in your mind and never will be. SEE me as I AM NOW without the fog of your beliefs. Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.
In any situation I must stand in my Light of Truth.
Hello world. The following was written 12/04/2016. There comes a point on ones journey when they find themselves wanting a deeper connection. A connection to self and to their brothers. They are no longer seeing just the surface of what is happening within them and around them. They are beginning to see that there is much more to themselves and their brothers than they had ever been taught. When we reach this point, and all of us do, we find that the shallowness of the connections we once had will no longer suffice us. That the materialistic needs of the world no longer pull us. That the egoistic needs and beliefs no longer resonate within our hearts. In these moments we learn to walk away from all that no longer resonates with who we are. I am finding for myself walking away alone does not help. Sometimes a complete cutting of ties is needed for me to continue on my journey. Here in the world of the internet that may take placing a block on the one who will not take no for an answer. In any situation I must stand in my Light of Truth. I must be honest Continue Reading
All that you seek is and has always been within you.
Hello world. The following was written 12/04/2016. Brother how can another teach you and tell you about your own journey and the things you have personally experienced? How can another be more perfect than you are? Let go this belief that anyone can be or is above you in any way. No one is better than you or worse than you. Everyone is equal to you! EVERYONE! Each Beings journey is specifically created just for them. No two are exactly alike. They may be similar in many ways. But they are never the same. Every time you choose to blindly follow another you are giving away your Free Will. You are choosing to follow and believe in the dictates of someone else, all without conscious thought. That is and has always been the illusion. To believe that someone, anyone, could know more than you. In choosing to follow them you are placing them on a pedestal. Believe me when I say they will fall and fall very hard and fast eventually. We all do. What I am saying is that no one has any reason to ever think or believe they need to seek for the blessings of another. They Continue Reading
It is entirely up to you which way you choose to go.
Hello world. The following was written 12/04/2016. You are allowed to believe whatever it is you so choose brother. That is what you have Free Will for. No one may pull or drag you kicking and screaming into the Light of understanding. Like all those who have gone before, you must be willing to get up and walk into that Light all on your own. All we may do is share where we are at and have been through with you in the moment given. We shine our own Light to help point the way. It is entirely up to you which way you choose to go. How does God keep all of His children from falling into the same trap of getting caught up in the materialistic belief system? By giving them tools He can use to block them from learning what He would not have them learn. Tools such as my dyslexia. He has used it to keep me from getting caught up in all the avaricious needs of the same beliefs in greed, fame, and power bring that all children are taught from birth are what they are to strive for. Growing up I witnessed the need Continue Reading
EVERY INDIVIDUAL is responsible for themselves and the choices they have made to believe.
Hello world. The following was written 12/03/2018. I came across an article in a group today that talked of how a child will take being ignored as being invisible and so would choose to become egoistic and self centered in their need to get attention. I will leave my brothers name in this for they are an author in the public domain and what they share does have a purpose and a place on the journey for those on that part of the path. My brother shares, “BEING INVISIBLE -John McIntosh Nothing is more terrifying to the body-mind-false-identity than ‘not being SEEN`. Scorn, shame, rebuke, outright condemnation is vastly preferable to being INVISIBLE. The child who is ignored is the child whose innate feelings of unworthiness (all who are not yet FREE have this inbred feeling) will go on to define its life experience in dramatic ways as it grows older, whether overtly or subtly. Acting out for me was how I manifested the agony of being unseen. Whether it was being a rebel every chance I got or being sullen and moody, I would do anything to feel I `existed`. Others may become tyrants, or power brokers on many Continue Reading
People use their beliefs as a code of conduct for themselves and others.
Hello world. The following was written 12/03/2017. A brother shares, “People use GOD to judge others.” My response, “People use their beliefs as a code of conduct for themselves and others. The beliefs used are learned. They have been taught to them. Many are attached to a religious belief system. Many more are tied to a societal belief system. All are learned. Each one is a judgment or opinion being handed to you that you are choosing to accept or believe in yourself. Each one has a been based out of a fearful belief. Many were created to control and manipulate the masses to conform to the dictates of the few who believed that they were the authority and had a right to dictate how others should or should not be. Fear, pain and suffering were used to create these beliefs and get the masses to cooperate and do as they were being told to do. All of Humanity has learned to get the pain and suffering to end you give in and conform. You bow down to those dictating to you. Even as those dictates eat at you from within causing you a cognitive dissonance that manifests the diseases Continue Reading
My “Emptiness” has now allowed me to see and See Truly.
Hello world. The following was written 12/03/2016. A brother asks, “EMPTINESS. Yesterday on facebook I saw a statement of a famous teacher saying that Emptiness sees. How can Emptiness see? That is the question. Emptiness cannot see. Are we Emptiness not at all. I say it is Something-ness that sees. For me personally there is no such thing as Emptiness Shunyata at all. Except for say the empty vessel. We can use the word emptiness there. There is Something ness within us. To find out what that is is the core objective of religion.” I was guided to share what my understandings were of the question with an example. My response, “When I read your words brother I get an impression or understanding of the “Emptiness” “seeing” meaning. When I let go all I think I know I believe to be Truth, I am left with an emptiness or blank slate with which a new understanding may be placed. An understanding cleared of any misconceptions I may have been holding forth as being the truth and as defining myself, my brothers, and the world. When I let go of all I thought was Truth I am able to then accept Continue Reading
If it is not given it is not NEEDED.
Hello world. The following was written 12/03/2016. I had a brother ask me for my blessings. I found myself stating the following to him. My response, “You have no need of my “blessings” in the way you mean them brother. Recognize that all that you may NEED is given to you. If it is not given it is not NEEDED. I learned long ago to go within. That following another, believing them a guru, only causes pain and suffering. It created a constant conflict within me. My Guides within me have shown me the way I need go. I am to share that way. The way of going within and seeking your own inner guidance. So that you may go your way without having to follow another ever again. To know who you truly are within. Part is learning that everyone is my equal. Even my parents and grandparents. They are no different than I am in any way. The only difference will be our choices made. Choices to think and believe in what is Truth for us. Each of us have Free Will to choose these things. Our journey is to help us figure out what resonates within our Continue Reading
Please, come soar with me.
Hello world. The following was written 12/03/2014. It is the experiences I experience that give me faith and belief in God. Written and spoken words have no meaning or baring until we actually experience it within ourselves. Only then do we gain a deeper understanding of who and what we are. In each of these experiences and lessons we find another level or layer of even deeper understanding when another perspective of understanding is brought to light. In this way will we awaken. When we are guided to share our experiences we are giving another perspective on how any situation can be seen and a lesson learned. You find layer upon layer of deeper understanding. When you speak from experience I hear the authenticity of your words that are coming from your heart and not your mind. You are no longer just repeating something you read or heard with hope of understanding. You are now speaking with knowing. It is literally and physically felt. It isn’t mind reading. It is opening yourself to the Truth within yourself by connecting to the experience another has had. An experience just is. There are no written or spoken words in that moment. There Continue Reading