Everything you have experienced has been for your benefit.

Hello world. The following was written 11/20/2016. Thank you for sharing where you are at on your journeys my brothers. The very fact you are seeing what you are doing and have done in the past says quite a lot about where you are now. In my own experiences I have had to look within at everything I am thinking, feeling, saying, doing, and choosing to believe in. I have had to really look within at my own intentions regarding the situations and the people involved. Am I doing what I am doing to get something? If I am, what is it I am trying to get from this? I begin by stopping myself from making excuses as to why I should not question these things. Then I start asking myself and God questions. I look within at what it is I am choosing to believe about myself, the situation, and the others involved. Am I seeking out there in another for who I am? Am I placing them on a pedestal? Am I superimposing some imaginary picture over them and myself to make them better in some way? I honestly and authentically look within my own heart and mind Continue Reading

A Questioning

Hello world. The following was written 11/20/2014. What need have I of you? What would I have you do? What is it I would have you say? This gloom that hangs over me every day. Like a shadow dancing upon the wall. Wiggling and squirming before it falls. Dark triggers, out of light. Ready to spring into fight. The harder I work to clear these seeds. The more I’m filled with misery. Frustrated by my tears. They continuously fall though nothing is clear. The constant angst and anxiety. Unable to clear what you cannot see. Pleading and begging for clarity. To understand what is happening. Twisted in knots and filled with pain. A hurt so deep that it’s difficult to explain. The sequence repeats itself never complete. Hiding in corners making me weep. What is this pain that never ends? Please Holy Spirit, I don’t understand. What need have I of you? What would I have you do? What is it I would have you say? Please tell me how to heal this pain! What need have you of me? What would you have me do? What would you have me say? Constantly crying, a blubbering fool. What is this Continue Reading