Hello world. The following was written 11/19/2021. All my conspiracy theories have come true. Do you have any new ones to share? Our government has been lying, cheating, stealing, murdering and threatening We The People for a very long time. We The People forgot to question and pay attention to what our government has been doing. We have forgotten the government works for us and not us for them. The government has been committing sedition and treason against We The People and The Constitution for a very very long time. The government has been committing treason since the late 1800’s and early 1900’s when they instated the Federal Reserve and the public school system to indoctrinate the youth, punishing families who didn’t send their children to those schools. Next came prohibition and our rights starting to be stripped from us! They’ve spent decades whittling away at the stripping of our rights one at a time until We The People forgot the government works for us and not us for them. We forgot we hold the power and right to dismantle these governments state and federal then rebuild them, holding those committing crimes accountable. The government can’t come clean. At a Continue Reading
The choice is yours, what will you choose?
Hello world. The following was from 2017. Years ago I was given a vision. I was beginning to question the things I had been taught to believe such as the belief I am a body. When I asked to be shown the Truth with clarity and understanding it was given me. What transpired following this questioning was the following. As the vision opens I am sitting in the front seat of what looks to be a car. I look down to see a body that is not a “body”. What I am in this moment is a body made of light energy. I look to my left at the driver of this car and see a version of what looks like me driving with an attitude. This is what represents the ego mind for me. Next I hear my name and look into the back seat to see God, Holy Spirit/Higher Self, all my Angels and Spirit Guides sitting in the back seat. It is in this instant I ask for Holy Spirit to come forward and explain to me what is happening, what it is I am perceiving and what I am to learn with this lesson. As I Continue Reading
Well, who ya gonna believe me or your own eyes?
Hello world. The following was written 11/18/2018. I came across an article today that had a number of my brothers going off the deep end. Many of them were agreeing with the summation of the hit piece that was being put out by a prominent media source. I found myself responding to it and my brothers with the following. The article reads, “Don the Con again blames the deadly California wildfires on the state’s failure to rake leaves from 33 million acres of forest land. “I’m committed to make sure that, that all of this cleaned out and protected, you gotta take care of the floors,” he said, standing feet away from burned homes in the town of Paradise, California. “You know the floors of the forest, very important. You look at other countries where they do it differently and it’s a whole different story,” he said. “I was with the president of Finland and he said, ‘We have a much different-We are a forest nation.’ He called it a forest nation. And they spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things and they don’t have any problem.” Despite Drumpf’s claims, a heat wave this summer Continue Reading
It is so important to look at your beliefs.
Hello world. The following was written 11/18/2017. I once asked my guides why it was I had experienced all the things I had and why those things were done to me in the first place, as well as why I kept having memories and visions from my past coming up constantly. Their response was flooring. My Guides speak, “The only difference between you and the Beings around you are the judgmental beliefs you hold forth as being the Truth as defining you, them, and this world you inhabit. You are responsible for how you are choosing to think, believe, and do. It is YOU that are keeping the belief that you are separate from the Being next to you. No one is making the choice and decision to judge but YOU. You are unable to accept who you are which is why you judge who the Beings around you are choosing to be. Accept yourself as you are without judgments and you will be able to accept them as they are without judgments. When you become the example the world follows your lead.” At 9 months old I was force fed and kicked across a room into a brick fireplace Continue Reading
We are one!
Hello world. The following was written 11/18/2016. With all the chaos happening near and far my mind and body were asking for a break last night. So, my Husband Alex and I decided to watch a movie. I chose one from my childhood with Dustin Hoffman in it called Little Big Man. It was this movie that started me on a journey into Shamanism, Druidism, and Wicca when I turned 14. The way the Indigenous People referred to their people as Human Beings and the people coming into their lands as demons, who have no reverence for the gift of life that surrounds them. Instead they kill all they touch. They believe they own all they touch and see. That they are the owner of All That Is. This movie brought to mind all that is happening now at Standing Rock. Of how our government lied, cheated, murdered, and stole. How every treaty has been broken by the government and then covered up. Hidden away and the history rewritten to reflect only what the government wanted us to believe. This didn’t happen just here. This has been happening all over this planet for eons. Africa, Asia, the Middle East, United Continue Reading