How do we make the changes needed to heal the world and everything within it?

Hello world. The following was written 11/17/2017. As I scroll through the different posts and the myriad groups I see a pattern coming to the fore. My brothers are beginning to ask questions. How can Humanity heal? How do we end racism? How do we end violence? How do we end poverty, starvation, and so many other things facing Humanity? What are or is the solution to these challenges facing Humanity as a whole? The solution would be to re-educate the individual. Help them to learn to discern the Truth of those things they have been taught to think and believe in as being true. Those things they were taught defines them, the world and their brothers within it. Teach them the Truth of how everything they were taught to think and believe in was a lie. Like those who came before them they blindly followed and accepted whatever was told to them as being the Truth and never questioned it. All we have been taught can be unlearned. We can change our minds about those things we were taught to believe. As children we were taught to conform and accept the dictates of our parents and those whom we Continue Reading


Hello world. The following was written 11/17/2016. Something to consider here is everyone is lovable. If one finds they are unable to extend love to another, they may want to consider they are the one with the misconception. They are the one judging their brother to be what they are not. They have superimposed a picture of their own making over their brother that has distorted their view of their brother and themselves. For their brother is a reflection of how they see themselves and are not able to accept that facet of themselves. They are in denial of who they are so deny their brother their Truth as well. What I am speaking of would be how one will judge another for how they look, sound, move, dress, speak, share and so many other ways of judging. We are taught to project out what it is we believe in as being true before us on the world we think we perceive. We are taught to superimpose an image being held within our minds of how everything is “supposed” to be over or in front of all that comes before us. We are to judge everyone and everything against those Continue Reading

The JOURNEY is the LIVING of what it is we are choosing to believe.

Hello world. The following was written 11/16/2020. My Brothers, what I share is not to be worshipped nor is it meant to have one falling to their knees in supplication. What is shared is meant to raise one up above the battleground in a manner of speaking so they may gain a better purview of what is occurring or has occurred so change their own minds about what they have been choosing for themselves. It is not to be blindly followed so believed in. It is to be taken in and contemplated. Looked at and compared to ones own journey and the choices one has made to believe so they may see a different way or perspective to see everything from. It is shared so one may look at what they believe in so question it and CHOOSE what resonates in their own hearts as Truth. The Storm referenced in my writing would be the internal STORMS all of Humanity shall go through as the cognitive dissonance of what they have chosen to believe in is found to be lacking and wanting in Truth. Each Being shall be faced with accepting full responsibility for each and every choice they have Continue Reading

We choose what does not resonate to be accepted.

Hello world. The following was written 11/16/2016. Something to consider, you cannot lose what you never had. You are not responsible for anyone but you. Your choices and decisions to believe in and judge are what you are responsible for. You are responsible for the things you think, believe, say, and do. Each of these items are items you get to choose. You make the choice and decision to judge what you perceive and experience. You are the one believing that something has gone wrong. Spirit speaks, “Dear One, everything that is happening and or has happened has been for your benefit and the benefit of Humanity. Even the chaos you witness around you. Judge it not and sit and watch. Eventually you will see what is happening below the surface. Both within you and without.” People will see what they want to see. They will believe what they want to believe. They will do what they think they should do. They do these things to fit in and gain approval and acceptance. Very few are willing to question, let alone step away from, what does not resonate within them out of fear of being persecuted and ostracized by their Continue Reading

Change your mind and you change the world.

Hello world. The following was written 11/16/2016. A brother and I had a discussion about what we see and choose to see. My brother shares, “I still hang on to BEAUTIFUL things like music, nature, colours in fabric, clothes ( fashion), food, beautifully formed creatures including humans. I LOVE things of BEAUTY!! Do I need to let go of those too???” My response, “Let go the value you have placed on them. The meaning you have given them. Instead accept them as they are as different and unique. They resonate or they do not. In that way you are not judging anything to be this or that. You are accepting it as it is instead.” My brother states, “YES!! You are right! Yet somehow I want to make BEAUTY a way of living! My form of self expression through beauty in some way!” My response, “Then change the way you view the world and yourself. Change your mind and you change the world.” My brother responds, “Now that is the TRUTH!! I am still very much in the middle of the battleground forgetting what I was fighting for! Of all things I was fighting for was for LOVE and BEAUTY. Continue Reading

The Mirror

Hello world. The following was written 11/16/2016. Something I have come to understand about the mirror is that what we think we see is an illusion. We are taught to place before us a screen. A filter with which to view all we see. The picture I am given would be similar to the plastic film used on an over head projector with a drawing of the human body. My Guides are using an example of the medical field and how a doctor would look at each patient. In the doctors mind they are holding up a picture of the human body and how it is supposed to look and act based on what they have been taught. They look at a chart with a bunch of numbers and if your numbers do not match they then judge you as having something wrong with you. They do not see the Individual Being standing before them. All they can see is that mental picture they are holding up in their minds. In this same way, we as Individuals will hold up a mental picture before us as we look at our reflection. We will hold another’s image in our minds and Continue Reading

I had to let go of my judgments and beliefs.

Hello world. The following was written 11/16/2015. To let go of the pain you must look at the thoughts attached to the emotion. They will translate into the physical pain you experience. When you look at these thoughts causing the pain most often you will find they are attached to a label, judgment or opinion you have. This judgment was “learned”. You were taught it. You were also taught to believe in it as the absolute Truth and it defines who you are as a person. Recognize the lie in that judgment. It does not define who you are inside. Only you can define you. In letting go these judgments the pain evaporates as if it never was. The Truth is within you. You just have to recognize the lies you have been believing in. In that moment of “Father why hast thou forsaken me?” I had to let go of everything I believed define me as a Human Being. I had to let go of all my judgments and beliefs I was something I was not. I was not my body. I was not a housewife, mother, business woman, cripple, or a burden. I was none of the things Continue Reading

Humanity is now experiencing The Great Awakening full force for the Storm Is Upon Us.

Hello world. The following was written 11/15/2020. Something to consider, the actors on the stage have changed yet the play remained the same. Those at the top understood the power of suggestion and how it can manipulate what is perceived so seen and believed. All religions hold Truth within them. It is where man steps in so twists what is to be what it is not so manipulates their brothers to subjugate so submit themselves to the dictates of another willingly without questioning their authority to do so that has transformed the garden before you into the nightmare that is perceived. At the Start the House that was created was created in the Light based in Truth and Wisdom passed down from the Elders and Masters to their Acolytes by word of mouth. Each passing down the secrets of their knowledge and understanding to those with an ear to hear and a mind to discern the patterns within patterns laid before them. It is when the House became split that the Darkness took over so reigned during the Spanish Inquisition. When many were forced to denounce their Faith and even practice their chosen religions in secret in order to stay Continue Reading