Hello world. The following was written 11/13/2020. For the last few days I have been finding myself in conversations with different brothers, in different places and on different platforms on different days. What is occurring would be my commenting on something a brother has shared and another brother coming in and asking me questions or making statements to which I am guided to respond. Another aspect coming into my awareness would be my brothers choices to judge that which I have shared and my journey in general, at first. Once a deeper sharing is given a silence ensues there after from those brothers. What is usually shared in those moments are real life experiences of trials, traumas and tribulations used as the examples of how my perspectives and purviews have shifted so changed, changing how it is I am now perceiving all to be including myself. Some seem to grasp what has been shared so choose to join with me in accepting that which is shared for themselves as understanding comes of exactly what it was I was pointedly shining a Light on with my sharing of that which they initially chose to judge. The following were my brothers questions, Continue Reading