You choose what it is you perceive and experience.

Hello world. The following was written 11/14/2015. Something to consider, we have just endured seven years of an Anti Christ mentality. When the seven years have passed the Christ will arise again. This time though it shall arise in each of us. The age of the Guru, Church and Religion is at an end. It is now time for each of us to look within and find out who we are within. To find the love of the Christ within each of us and extend it outward to all we come in contact with. Whatever conflicts arise in your heart and mind ask yourself, Is This True? The answers will come. No, it is but a judgment I was taught to believe in. That is man’s law, Not God’s law. God’s law is simple. Allow and accept everyone and everything to be as it is without judging it. To ask for correction to what it is you are perceiving when it brings up any conflicting thoughts and emotions. You get to choose what it is you perceive and experience. Consider that for just a moment. Even in the act of being raped I had a choice in how I wanted Continue Reading