A pixel within creation.

Hello world. The following was written 10/20/2016. Today seems to be a day of visions for me. I am being shown a TV with a beautiful landscape on the screen. Within the picture is a single pixel who’s colors are fluctuating in comparison to those around them. Each pixel represents a Living Being. The picture on the screen is a co-creation of every Living Being on the planet. This picture is representative of the Collective Consciousness of the Collective Mind of the masses. Think about that one for a minute… Each Being is part of a larger picture of which they have no understanding, until they are able to step back or better yet rise above the crowd to get a better perspective of what is really happening around them. Until they are able to do this stepping back or rising above to see the bigger picture, they repeat the patterns taught to them blindly without questioning what it is they do. The fluctuation of colors in the pixel is representative of the playing out and release of emotionally charged energies and belief systems. As the pixel releases each belief the color fades away until nothing is left but the Continue Reading

The Jigsaw Puzzles hidden pictures within the picture.

Hello world. The following was written 10/20/2016. I am having a reoccurring vision of a jigsaw puzzle and it’s pieces. The initial picture that comes into view would be a “city landscape” with people surrounding and filling a structure similar to an ancient Colosseum as they listen to a speech being given. At first I am high above this picture looking down upon it from high above. Taking in all aspects of this view before descending into it. Next I find myself starting to zoom into the picture to each of the individual pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. As I do so I begin to see that each puzzle piece is made up of other puzzle pieces. Each puzzle piece represents an Individual Being. Within each piece are other pieces which represent the Beings that came together to create the next piece which is you. Lets see if I can make this a bit clearer. The puzzle piece that represents me is made from each individual piece that is my family. Each of their puzzle pieces are also made up from their family’s histories as well. Each piece is it’s own unique puzzle all on it’s own. Starting at the Continue Reading