Hello world. The following was written 10/11/2017. A couple of days ago someone had asked a question regarding black lives matter. A brother had responded to the post I had made in response to the question. They were casting judgments telling me I have no right to speak of anything until I am a minority amongst other things. They were also trying to educate me as to what BLM stands for according to them. None of these things had anything to do with the question that was asked or the response given at the time. The following was my response to them before they deleted their comment and blocked me. My response, “Apparently you missed the point of the question being asked. The question was, “If black lives matter why do they kill each other?”. It was not about what their supposed agenda is. It was asking why are they killing each other if they really believe that “black lives matter”. Above and beyond the picture being painted of the agenda, lies a Truth that IS being ignored. In buying into the propaganda of a belief that they are victims they ignore the basis of the brutality they are committing Continue Reading
The Energy of Judgment in the Medical Community and Industry.
Hello Folks. The following was written 10/11/2016. In the last few weeks I have been going to medical appointments. During these appointments I found myself and others to be the target of “Judgmental Energy” and threats from those in the medical industry. At each appointment I found myself being told I have to start taking medications for this or that. That if I do not I may “DIE”. Each time this was said to me by the doctors and nurses I felt like standing up and walking out of the office without finishing the exams. I was recognizing instinctively how deadly their comments really were and are. Each time they meet a patient they are not seeing the Individual standing there before them. What they are seeing in their minds eye are all the diagrams, statistics and opinions that were being handed to them in medical school instead. They do not see each Being as a distinct Individual with a unique perspective and response to their environment. The visual I am given is a mannequin with a blank face. As each patient comes in they paste a picture of their face there, yet use the standard of the mannequin to Continue Reading
The political correctness culture is a manipulation tactic used against you.
Hello world. The following as written 10/11/2019. I am reading through the articles and commentaries on social media and news sites of the words used by our President during a rally. Many are affronted that he was using cuss words and others are outraged at his naming names and pointing out what his accusers are doing and have been doing what they accuse him of and on a much larger scale. I happen to be a military brat. I was raised around service men, women and bikers, many of whom were vets. I can and do have what many would deem as a very foul mouth. When I speak I am completely authentic in who I AM in those moments. I do not hold back or choose my words to keep from hurting another’s feelings. How they choose to react or respond is on them. It would be their own judgmental perspectives that are eating at them from within if my words are bothering them. What that speaks to is cognitive dissonance on their part and not mine. What many people miss here is their own judgmental perspectives of what is or is not acceptable for one to say. My Continue Reading
We are all Human Beings of the HUMAN RACE.
Hello world. The following was written 10/10/2017. It seems as if many people are asking a similar question. “If black lives matter why do they kill each other?” The entire premise of the black lives matter movement is to manufacture a chasm of separation based on an imagined difference between one person and another. It is a belief the color of ones skin changes who one is within them. None of this is true. We are all Human Beings of the HUMAN RACE. It is who and what we are on an elemental level. We are Human Beings. The only differences between us are the judgments held within our own minds that have been taught to us. We have been taught to perceive differences from one Being to the next. To judge anyone who looks, sounds, thinks, believes, acts and does things differently than us as the enemy. Taught everyone must conform to those things we have been taught are Truth. The black lives matter group is no different in this. The group is being used and do not even realize it. The other point here is the group has not and is not accepting responsibility for themselves. They are Continue Reading