In everything I have a choice in how I will judge any given moment.

Hello world. The following was written 8/31/2016. What is being displayed here in this world for all to witness is how all of us are trained from birth to blindly follow without question as to why. We conform to the dictates of others so as not to feel different. In those moments it is acceptance that we are striving for blindly. As children we mimic our care givers, peers and other adults around us. We do this for approval and acceptance subconsciously. This “training” continues as we join into society via schools and churches and many other social activities. The items we fail to see in those moments are the judgments being handed to us. Judgments created to control us and get us to conform to another’s will and dictates of what they would have things be. Judgments teaching shame, guilt, blame, victimization and fear are what we learn and accept as Truth. What I share are the experiential aspects of my own journey with the understandings of the psychology at play in the back ground as per what my Guides have been showing me. In everything I have a choice in how I will judge any given moment. Prime Continue Reading

It seems history has a new face or is it just another repeat?

Hello world. The following was written 8/29/2017. The following are events that were occurring in 2017 in Houston and around the nation. The events occurring at that time were very divisive. We had groups terrorizing cities tearing down statues and historical landmarks. The groups were black lives matter and antifa. Both have been found to be terrorist organizations created and paid for by the southern poverty law center which is paid for by the democratic and republican parties, soros, these major corporations and foreign governments. All donation to these groups are being funneled back to the DNC coffers for whatever bills and programs they are pushing to get passed and for their own political campaigns and pockets. They are literally laundering money gained through false premises, manipulations and outright illegal actions. The splc recruits actors and activists through craigslist ads and other media platforms to manufacture fake protests and marches to suit their agendas. They are hiring mercenaries and anarchists to destroy, maim and murder anyone who gets in their way no matter what skin color, religion or ethnicity they be. Their goal to separate so divide Humanity using fear and violence. Tonight has been a night of some interesting Continue Reading