Hello world. The following was written 8/26/2018. I came across a post from a family member this morning talking about a letter that was sent out from a teacher at a school informing parents that there would be no homework other than what the child does not complete in class that day. This sparked quite the dialogue between my family members and some friends of theirs. It also led me to share some of what I have come to understand of our education system and society. A brother responds, “What? They should have homework and eat dinner.” My brother responds, “Only homework they receive is class work not completed.” A brother responds, “Every child should have homework so they learn to study on their own. Teacher sounds like she does not want to make up home work to give it to the kids.” My brother responds, “no studies have shown that there is no correlation with kids homework and them learning or retaining the knowledge they can study on their own but to do extra school work on their time takes away from other area they might be able to excel at or spend time with loved ones” A brother Continue Reading