Hello world. The following was written 7/09/2017. A brother states, “If our brother is on a different path he is on an illusionary path because we are the Sonship in a oneness with God We are not separate at all to believe so just supports the ego’s separation” My response, “Now that dear brother is a judgment. No two minds think or see alike. It is not possible. They may have similar perspectives yet they are still different and individualized.” My brother responds, “There is only one mind that we all share. I think I might be in the wrong group. I thought this was ACIM group” My response, “Have you ever been raped or molested? Have you ever been beaten, homeless, destitute, handicap, bedridden? These are and have been my personal experiences/ Are you able to connect with me in understanding where I am coming from through your own experiences or are you in judgment of what another is or has experienced? This is what your statement implies brother. That you know best and better than God.” My brothers response, “Thank you I love you and good by” My response, “Now this is a perfect example of how an Continue Reading
You are the Individual Being who is having this experience of being what is.
Hello world. The following was written 7/09/2017. Something to consider, each of us are walking a journey home. Each of us are walking this path “alone” in a manner of speaking. For each of us experience our journey through our own personal lens of understanding. None of our brothers are walking the exact same path as we do. Not even our families, children, and spouses will walk our same path. This is why we perceive ourselves to be alone on our journeys. Because our brothers are not able to see and experience things exactly as we are. We choose to think and believe we are alone here. What is often forgotten is that we are never alone for God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, our Guides and even our brothers are with us, within us as part of us always. They always have been there and will always be there within us and part of us. One of the things we are taught from birth is that we are alone and separate from everyone around us. We are taught to separate ourselves from our thoughts, emotions, and physical responses. We are taught to point fingers and place blame outside of us. To Continue Reading
I am the one choosing what and who I am to be.
Hello world. The following was written 7/09/2017. The calm in the eye of the storm has begun to pass. The debris from the first half is beginning to be flung around in hopes that something will come of it. That in the chaos of the storm something will knock us loose from our moorings where we are hunkered down in the center simply waiting out the worst of the storm in the trenches. Watching as wave after wave of debris flies about and passes over head. Knocking things down and tearing out the foundations of what was never true. In these moments the energetic force of this storm can be felt by all who are part of it. That Lady Justice is blind and will sweep away all who choose the crooked paths. Even if only for a moment. In these moments my job is to stay centered and focused on what is True. On all that is taking place in the here and now and not the past or future. The only thing that is mattering right this moment, is this moment. The eye of the storm has begun to pass. As the fury it contains builds into a Continue Reading
Humanity learn to Stand in Unity together.
Hello world. The following was written 7/08/2018. I have been having movie titles and scenes from myriad movies that have been created over the decades depicting where Humanity would be leading to if things were not seen for what they were and stopped, playing through my head. How these movies would depict a scenario occurring that becomes a catalyst to global unity. How in each one all of Humanity is facing the same “entity” with the same agendas of tyranny, oppression, persecution, enslavement and annihilation. One in particular that is standing out to me would be the President’s speech from the movie Independence Day. President Thomas Whitmore’s Speech from the movie “Independence Day” “Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. “Mankind.” That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom… Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution… but Continue Reading
The lens we have been conditioned to perceive our reality with.
Hello world. The following was written 7/08/2018. It amazes me how Humanity is blind to what it is they do and how simple it is to stop it all and change how they as Individuals are experiencing this reality they are part of. Humanity is NOT required to follow these laws created by man that prohibit and limit them from being the Self Governing Beings they were created to be. Humanity only BELIEVES they are required too. It was part of the conditioning they went through from birth that has had them blindly following and accepting the judgmental dictates of anyone who states they are the authority and they have to comply with whatever laws are being manufactured for them. It is a CHOICE that HUMANITY is making collectively and on an Individual level to propagate these judgmental beliefs that they are limited to the parameters being set for them by someone else’s choices to be and believe. That they do not get a choice in any of this is part of the illusion they have been under. In everything they are willingly accepting these laws of limitation that prohibit them from being able to be Self Governing so Self Continue Reading
How a situation can be of benefit in showing how they do it all to themselves.
Hello world. The following was written 7/08/2018. On June 22, 2018, after a day of 100 degree temperatures, at approximately 8:15 PM PST, we had a branch measuring approximately 2–3 feet in diameter and approximately 30 feet long, break away from the main trunk of the tree crashing down on our vehicles, home, telephone line and the fence surrounding our back yard. At the time all of this happened I was asked by a brother how all of this is of benefit to us. A week and a half to almost two weeks later we find ourselves in a sort of limbo. We have been dealing with a legal battle for this house for a long time now. Each side has attorneys and we have a court date scheduled towards the end of this year. Due to the current situation and how things are playing out so far we are seeing a number of possibilities happening here. It took 3 or 4 days for their attorney to respond to our inquiry for the insurance information for this property since it is being carried under the name of the lender. The attorney asked for pictures and a description of the damages Continue Reading