Sharing, extending the Love, that is God’s miracle.

Hello world. The following was written 6/24/2014. Everyday it feels as if folks keep misperceiving me as being completely awake and enlightened. I am neither awake nor enlightened. I am simply working my process and looking at my shit. I no longer DENY any of it and look at all of it. That is all Holy Spirit has asked of me. To look at everything with Him. Fear, guilt, shame, blame and ego thinking have us believing all of those things that make us feel horrid. It also has us believing we can find love outside of ourselves. Except this love is short lived and not sustainable. In Truth when you learn to love yourself and realize you are perfect in every way and you are as God created you, you will find peace and happiness. Sharing, extending the Love, that is God’s miracle. When you love yourself you can truly love the rest of Humanity and all of God’s creatures. Even spiders! Yuck! Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

You have been lost in the darkness for way to long Humanity.

Hello world. The following was written 6/23/2018. Humanity this stuff with the border and the policy everyone is in an uproar over, Clinton signed the policy into law 20 years ago. Then Bush and Obama both held two terms keeping that policy in place. Everyone has had 20 years to scream about this policy. This crap is no more than a distraction from the IG Report and all the corruption and the TIME LINE it points out. Like Obama colluding with Russia to sell Uranium through Uranium One. Remember that conversation with the open mic on stage with the Russia representative? Remember Obama stating when he got re-elected he would have more “flexibility” over that open mic? As soon as he gained office for a second term Uranium One was either created or already in place, as was Hillary’s email server and all those “private pseudo names” through gmail they were all using to keep things on the down low. There is more happening right now than you could possibly wrap your minds around. You have been lost in the darkness for way to long Humanity. They laid the entire time line bare in that IG report. Stop waiting for Continue Reading

Humanity, where were you?

Hello world. The following was written 6/23/2018. I came across a post by a brother talking about the children. I am watching my brothers stand in judgment of each other and what it is another is or may be experiencing. I am watching my brothers scream and have fits over what it is a child may be experiencing. I am witnessing my brothers tell the world and God above how it is they know better. On my journey I have come to understand how every single experience has been of benefit to me with a lesson within it I was to learn about myself. Each one had a purpose for being above and beyond anything I could possibly perceive them to be in THOSE MOMENTS. Each one was of value to me on this journey. In Truth it was the very judgments being handed to me by the adults around me that caused me the most harmful and lasting damage, pain and suffering I endured. Now that IS something to think about here as you read the dialogue I found myself having with a couple of brothers. The following is what transpired. A brother shares, “SOME OF THESE CHILDREN will Continue Reading

The pattern we are taught of blind obedience to the authority.

Hello world. The following was written 6/23/2017. Of late I have been witnessing post after post, article after article, and video after video depicting people angrily asking for things such as violence, intolerance for others, for things to be kept hidden until the last minute from the people, for others to conform to what those in power demand and so much more. Everything being played out before us is for our benefit. All is for the benefit of all of Humanity. At this time we are being given an opportunity to experience every possible outcome that may be imagined within the mind. We are being given a chance to manifest that which we are focusing our attentions on. The more fear, anger, vitriol, racism, violence, greed and avarice are brought to the surface for all to witness, the faster all of us recognize that, that, is not what we would like to experience any longer. The faster we all begin to question what it is we are experiencing and wanting to experience within our own lives, the sooner we choose to change our minds. As we do this we begin to choose again and choose differently this time around. Instead Continue Reading

How have you been taught to view everyone around you?

Hello world. The following was written 6/23/2016. From the moment of our birth we are trained to blindly accept, follow and believe in the dictates, labels, judgments and opinions of others. We are taught all of this from our families, peers, and the society we are born into. As children many of us learn to never question what is being said to us. That the ones speaking to us know better than us. This training is universal for everyone. Every child is trained in this same exact way. To do what their parents tell them to do when they say to do it. To listen to and believe that whatever your teachers are telling you is the absolute truth. That any adult or “authority figure” has the right to tell you who you are and what you are allowed to do or not do. As children we are taught to give our power away to everyone around us. To point fingers and place blame. To never look at what we are thinking and experiencing in any given moment. To never take responsibility for our own choices and decisions to think and believe in the things that we do. Instead what Continue Reading